Nexign Interconnect

Efficient partner agreement and settlement management for precise invoicing


While telecom companies are struggling to combat the existing challenges of settlement management, the complexity of connectivity is anticipated to further expand with a new generation of networks and resulting augmentation of data exchanges.

Nexign Interconnect helps streamline settlements among telecom organizations and maximize revenue streams by increasing transparency of the partnership processes and providing invoice precision. 

Interconnect  supports agreements for services such as traffic carriage, communications line and equipment leasing, as well as other services that are not related to traffic or equipment.

Key Benefits

  • Processing, rating and charging of any type of traffic and setting up a flexible charging model
  • Improved interconnect business efficiency through visibility and precise calculations for the entire settlements process 
  • Minimized financial risks associated with non-payment or billing errors
  • Support for diverse partnership models, such as direct contracts and cascading partnership  
  • Keeps track of calls of all types, intelligent services, content services, SMS/MMS, telegraph/telex, VoIP, etc.
  • Facilitates charging model modifications via a modular rate structure 
  • Ensures validation, filtering, and pre-processing of CDR/EDR 
  • Calculates traffic charges for any route and distance
  • Offers on-demand billing, billing rollback, and corrective billing 
  • Enables two-stage rating: a quick pre-processing and CDR parsing followed by a full-fledged rating

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