The Discreet Charm of Convergence

Сonvergent solution can be a safety net to get CSPs back on track in the everchanging telco world.


Sometimes convergence (meaning an ability for a solution to work across technologies, network generations and subscriber types) is taken as a buzzword, but it can be useful even to customers not initially expecting that.

As an illustration, let’s look at Megafon Tajikistan, one of our clients in CIS. Initially, they used our BSS only for mobile subscribers, and kept the external systems (hosted by their partners in another country) to authenticate and charge broadband users. The later were not numerous, but very high-profile, including b2b and b2g clients, so any disruptions to the service could be critical to the CSP business.

To maintain a high level of services provided, the CSP considered updating the solution supporting broadband access users. Usually evaluation and procurement procedures for such systems take at least months, so, considering the urgency, the CSP decided to extend the Nexign Business Support System used by their mobile department.

The new network type required adding two modules from Nexign Network Monetisation Suite – AAA (Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting) and UDR (User Data Repository). The first one (as the name suggests) is a standard function giving subscribers access to the network based on their balance and customizable business logic. The second one is a scalable way to store reference data necessary to provide access. The standard-based approach to developing these modules made integration quick and easy: they worked seamlessly with Nexign BSS as well as with the network infrastructure from a variety of vendors.

The primary purpose of this change was keeping uninterrupted service for broadband customers, but it actually improved the way things worked for the operator. On the business side, the single source of billing data made customer relations more transparent and convenient. And technologically, a more scalable and failsafe system allowed to provide better SLA and accommodate further customer base growth.

Despite careful planning and elaborate strategies, CSPs sometimes face unpredictable problems, and having a truly convergent solution can be a safety net to get them back on track in the everchanging telco world.